my new website

I am pleased to announce the location of my new website is  This is strictly limited to a discussion of poker in the form of limit hold’em further restricted to on-line play.  You are invited to join in what will hopefully be some very enjoyable times.

Poker Sharpener

 Poker Sharpener was introduced to me by Marty Smith.  He began his discussion with: “A software combo plate that features a calculator and self-analysis program. 

As online poker players get more and more exposure to self analysis software that offers potentially game changing information to those willing to actually look at themselves and their mistakes, along comes (albeit quietly) Poker Sharpener. This self analysis program also combines a decent odds calculator for online game play as well several other built-in hand history features that a discerning player may really appreciate.

By combining these two major functions into one solitary program, Poker Sharpener has defined a niche in the market which may trend that way now for others to follow or possibly, perish for lack of value. Now you might think that tackling such a major programming challenge would end up corrupt with programming errors, but let me tell you now that during some hard testing, Poker Sharpener runs as smooth as Béarnaise Sauce on a New York steak.” 

When he got to the New York steak part he related to my profile and then and there I nearly got out my Visa to purchase my license.  But only shortly thereafter, I became convinced.  You are invited to follow this path for an insight into some wonderful features.